Become a member Please fill out the form below and click submit. Payment for annual or lifetime membership can be paid by posted cheque, or BACS transfer. Click here for details... Application to Join The Edinburgh Sutherland AssociationPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name: *FirstLastEmail: *Please provide an email address so that we can keep you informed about our events and news - we'll never share your details or send spam email!Address (incl postcode): *Phone/ Mobile: *Please tell us about your relationship to Sutherland: *It's useful for us to find out about how our members are connected to Sutherland eg. native/ relative/ family connection/ general interest etc.Please select type of membership *-Please select-ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP £5LIFE MEMBERSHIP £30Special offer - Couples Life Membership £40 (for previous annual members)Please select payment method *Cheque sent in postDirect BACS transferFor online BACS payments please pay Account No. 00331386, Sort Code: 80-31-20 or send cheque made payable to: The Edinburgh Sutherland Association Post to: Anne Macintosh (Treasurer) 28 Mayshade Road, Loanhead, Midlothian, EH20 9HJ MessageSubmit