Who we support

Every year we invite charities and good causes related to and based in Sutherland to apply to The Edinburgh Sutherland Association for a donation from our funds. The committee then discuss the applicants at the AGM and monetary contributions are usually awarded in the Summer. Since 2011 the Association has:






individuals supported


groups supported

In previous years we have supported:


We have agreed to donate over £4,000 to good causes in Sutherland after our recent call for applications. The charity is donating to the following good causes:

• Community Care Assynt – New sign for wellbeing centre (£320)
• Dornoch Historylinks – Support for Young Curators Club (£250)
• Lewis Duncan, Brora – Support for his downhill mountain biking competition expenses (£500)
• East Sutherland Canoe Club – Support with IT/laptop costs (£200)
• Go Golspie – Accessible Eco Picnic Bench (£617)
• Helmsdale & District Community Association – PlaySPACE information board (£500)
• Joan Mackay’s Cancer Survivors Group, Bettyhill – Therapy and travel costs (£444)
• Lairg & District Learning Centre – Ar Sgeul/Our Story storyboard (£250)
• Lochinver Primary School Parent Council – Support for new playground equipment (£500)
• Rosehall Primary School Parent Council – Support for fruit and vegetable club (£300)
• Sutherland Care Forum – Food box for Golspie (£250)


The Edinburgh Sutherland Association has donated £2,500 to good causes in Sutherland after its recent call for applications. The charity donated to the following good causes:

· Brora Primary Parent Council – £500 for signage around the village to advertise new community play park.
· Lewis Duncan, Brora – £500 for young biker to cover entry costs for British and Scottish national downhill mountain bike competitions.
· Big Sing Macleod, Skerray – £250 to cover cost of travel and copyright costs for north coast community singing group.
· Ruaraidh Jack, Bettyhill – £500 for dive equipment for marine-biology university student to attend research placement in Malta.
· Sutherland Care Forum – £750 for Friends at Home service, where volunteers visit and support older people in central and east Sutherland.


Due to COVID-19 and the related lockdown, we have been unable to raise funds with our usual events since mid-March. We had hoped to hold various fundraising events this year, including a planned Sutherland ceilidh in Lairg. Therefore, we have been unable to provide support this year and apologise to those who might have been planning to apply for funds.
Over the coming months we hope to be able to raise some money to assist good causes again. We will use alternative methods to raise such funds, but we need your support.


At our 2019 AGM we agreed to donate over £3,000 this year to the following worthy applicants:

1st Golspie Guides – £200, towards travel, camp and equipment costs.

Sutherland Care Forum – £500, towards travel costs to run their mobile footcare service in east Sutherland.

Move It Monster Club, Brora, £240, for gym hire to run an activities club for children with Additional Support Needs.

Brora Community Theatre Group, £240, to purchase a portable PA system and two microphones for use at community events.

Dornoch Festival Week Tea Dance, £250, sponsorship of the catering costs for the 2019 Festival Week intergenerational Tea Dance event.

Durness Village Hall, £500, to purchase a portable PA system for use at local music and entertainment events.

Skerray Village Hall, £500, towards the village hall WC refurbishment project.

Isobel Murray John, Lairg, £580, to cover the cost of flights to Tanzania to attend an unpaid law internship at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £3,100 this year to the following worthy applicants:

1st Brora Cubs: £200 towards the travel cost for the group to attend Dalguise activity centre.

1st Golspie Brownie Guides: £280 to purchase a tent for camping activities.

Dornoch Allsorts Afterschool Club: £200 to contribute to the cost of running a Woodland Live Action Role Play Activity, including costume making, writing scripts, culminating in a site specific piece of interactive theatre.

Dornoch Festival Week: £200 to assist funding new activities and resources for children during Festival Week.

Dornoch Firth Campus: £150 to pay for around 80 pupils in P7-S2 from the Dornoch Firth Campus to attend workshops about the Clearances at Timespan in Helmsdale as part of an inter-disciplinary learning event.

Feis Chataibh (Golspie): £300 to assist with purchase of three keyboards for workshops and performances.

Golspie High School: £360 to assist transport costs with 24 pupils going to Outward Bound Trust outdoor centre in Loch Eil Centre.

Alexander Murray John (Lairg): £300 to attend the National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCoS) Summer Course in Merchiston School.

Lairg and District Learning Centre: £300 for Gaelic classes for children in the community to raise awareness and usage of Gaelic language, art and literature.

Connie Mackinnon (Bonar Bridge): £400 to assist with accommodation for a self-funded research project in Professor Dan Walker’s research lab at the University of Glasgow.

Rosehall Primary School: £200 to create a school vegetable garden with raised beds, grow seasonal produce including the purchase raised bed kits, garden equipment, seeds and plants.

Sutherland Provincial Mod: £244 purchase of three prize quaichs engraved by the Association.


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £3,085 this year to the following worthy applicants:


Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust, £250 to support the cost of outdoor events for local

families at Falls of Shin.

Sutherland Schools Pipe Band, £200 towards the cost of uniforms, as well as piping and

drumming supplies.

Golspie High School, £350 to pay for the hire of a bus to take pupils and French exchange

students to Landmark.

Dornoch Heritage SCIO, £125 to cover the cost of folders for Ancestry Packs at HistoryLinks


Kinlochbervie Football Team, £300 towards transport costs for away games.

Strathnaver Hall Committee, £400 to support a project to collect and collate oral history about

the resettlement of Strathnaver after the Clearances.

Lori Macleod, Tongue, £200 to assist student with voluntary mental health placement in Sri


1st Brora Scouts, £400 to assist with sending local scouts to International Friendship Camp in


Chrisanne McCulloch, Strathnaver, £200 to assist Glasgow School of Art student with cost of

art materials.

Connie Mackinnon, Bonar Bridge, £360 to assist Glasgow University student pay for a month

of accommodation in Glasgow for summer research project into Cystic Fibrosis.

Caladh Sona, Talmine, £300 towards the purchase of a powered wheelchair.


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £2,500 this year to the following worthy applicants:  

The Assynt Fallen 1914-18, £150 towards researching the background to the men of Assynt who fell in 1914-18. The project is being undertaken by Dr and Mrs Bangor-Jones.

Fèis an Iar Thuath, Scourie, £300 towards the cost of their annual two day Gaelic music workshop event, which attracts children from across Sutherland.

Fèis Chataibh, Golspie, £270 to provide two new keyboards for children from across Sutherland who attend the Gaelic music workshops.

Glasgow Short Film Festival, £300 to support bringing Lost Treasure, an unfinished short film shot across Sutherland and mainly in and around Achmelvich made in 1955 with a newly commissioned soundtrack, home to Assynt. The Screen Machine will show the film in Lochinver on 25 August.

Billie Houldsworth, Lochinver, £200 to support student in outward bound sports teaching course and placement in South Africa.

North Coast Connection, £280 for equipment for Otago sessions for fall prevention for the elderly.Rosehall Primary School, £150 to allow pupils to work with David Hunter, Eden Court (Inverness) Creative Worker (Caithness and North Sutherland Drama) on a Green Screen Project. The funds will pay for the Eden Court Creative worker to come to the school.

Sutherland Sessions, Golspie, £300 towards music workshops providing opportunities for young local musicians to gain performance experience by running and promoting gigs at eclectic venues across Sutherland.

West Sutherland Fisheries Trust, £200 towards attendance at public events to inform people about life existing within the Sutherland waters.

Shannon Young, Farr, £100 to contribution towards rent, food and accommodation when on placement during nursing degree.

1st Golspie Girl Guides, £250 to buy a tent for camping trips.


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £2,200 this year to the following worthy applicants:  

Golspie Primary School PTA, £50 as a raffle prize to encourage additional uptake of tickets in their annual fundraising raffle.

Loth and Helmsdale Flower Show Society, £150 to purchase additional materials to widen participation by children and provide increased sustainability of resources year-on-year.

Centre for History, Dr David Worthington, £100 toward public engagement support costs for ‘Firths and Fjords: A Coastal History Conference’ taking place in Dornoch in April 2016

Feis an Iar Thuath, Scourie, £200 to help keep participation fees affordable for children participating in in Scourie.

Gledfield Primary School, Ardgay, £90 towards 8 lessons of Drama classes provided by Eden Court at the school.

Transport for Tongue, Tongue, £360 towards providing transport to Thurso for a Melness-based girl unable to take the necessary classes to apply to study Veterinary Medicine at University at her local school in Farr.

Dornoch Beach Regeneration and Improvement Group, £400 to cover the costs of  an eco-bench at the beach, to include an Edinburgh Sutherland Association plaque. This is part of a wider 3-phase regeneration scheme for the public areas at the beach to provide better use and improve visitor access.

The Sutherland Schools Pipe Band, £350  to pay for vital equipment for those participating in the Band competitions in Calgary, Canada.

The Strath Fleet Buttons & Bows, £300 to kit out 37 members of a beginners/intermediate accordion & fiddle group based in the Rogart Hall, Sutherland with fleeces for outdoor performances.

Feis Chataibh, Golspie, £200 to help part fund winter workshops for children providing tuition in traditional music and song.


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £2,000 this year to the following worthy applicants:  

£100 to Fèis Ghallaibh, to assist with travel costs for young people in Melvich, Bettyhill and Skerray attending traditional music workshops.)

£270 to Dornoch Allsorts After School Club, toward their annual Woodland Quest for children, part of their ‘Puddle Jumpers’ summer programme. The event, for children aged four to twelve is a real life outdoor adventure with monsters, baddies, stricken maidens and woodland escape.

£260 to Scourie Community Development Company Ltd, towards the purchase of a bench for the Sports Pavilion.

£260 to North Coast Connection, to assist with the purchase of equipment for the Kyle Centre in Tongue.  

£300 to Lucie Treacher, to fund costumes for opera production The Fisherman’s Brides.  This young composer, based in Dornoch, premiered her latest production at the Tête à Tête Opera Festival in London this July.

£260 to Fèis Chataibh, to assist in the continued success of the ever-popular Fèis in Golspie.

£300 to Fèis an Iar Thuath to help fund participation fees for youth participants in Scourie.

£150 to Strathnaver Museum towards the cost of a site marker and interpretive panel at Babinloskin, a significant place in the history and interpretation of the Highland Clearances.

£100 for the Ross and Sutherland District Explorer Scouts Botswana Expedition 2015. This money will go towards participation fees for a young female leader from the Brora Scout Group. This expedition will see Scouts participating with local communities in building a vital new water pump station, and establishing a Scout group in Botswana’s second-largest city of Francistown.


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £1,600 this year to the following worthy applicants:  

Farr Edge 2000, Bettyhill (£425 towards funding two youth workers to provide

and develop activity clubs)

Attitude Cheerleaders, Golspie (£375 towards new uniforms)

Fèis an Iar Thuath, Scourie (£300 towards running costs)

Rosehall Youth Club (£300 to keep the club running for younger children)

Hope Gordon, Rogart (£200 to help this talented disability swimmer prepare

for the Commonwealth Games).


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £1,600 this year to the following worthy applicants:  

Elphin, Ledmore and Knockan Community Association (£400)

Tongue Football Pitch Project (£300)

Feis Chataibh, Golspie (£250)

Drumbeg Village Hall Committee (£250)

Dunrobin Castle Piping Championships (£200)

Tongue and Melness Youth Group Avatar Project (£200).


At our AGM we agreed to donate over £1,200 this year to the following worthy applicants:  

Drumbeg Village Hall Committee (£300)

Bonar Bridge OAP Group (£200)

Brora Scout and Guide Hall Group (£200)

Dunrobin Castle Piping Championships (£200)

Dornoch Academy Drama Group (£200)

Taigh na Gàidhlig Mhealanias (Mackay Country Gaelic Dictionary) (£100).